Sunday, November 4, 2007

Setting Goals to be Successful

Let us step away from the common "how to receive more traffic" articles.

aving goals set for your work is extremely important. Without goals one tends to get lost along the way, doesn't work as much, gets stressed out, tries to do too much at once, etc. Not only is it important to have goals set, but those should be separated into short-term and long-term. This will allow pacing and evaluating progression.

Goal setting needs to be realistic. For short-term goals, you can try breaking them up into weeks or months and establish what you want to accomplish each month. Do you want to increase your traffic by 20% each month? How about adding a 100 subscribers to your blog each month? Those would all be realistic and great goals to achieve from what I have seen so far in the blogging community. You will be able to monitor your progression with these goals, but they will also help keep you motivated.

ong-term goals are more focused on what you want to accomplish online in a year or half a year. These will be harder to set, but should be related to your short-term goals. If I were focusing on the short-term goal of increasing traffic to my blog by 20% each month, I would look at my starting values and set a standard for the end values.

ne additional aim for each term is a high standard. When applying for colleges this was called a dream school or a bonus at a real job. This can be achieved, but is not likely.

kay, now you have your goals, what do you do? Write them down or type them up somewhere so that you can see them each and everyday while you are working. You need to see what you are working towards, the light at the end of the tunnel. When each goal is achieved, check them off, that will keep your eye on the prize. For some reason, a goal is not met, the motivation for next month is increased.

ne more option available to help accomplish goals: Share objectives with another party who has the same interests as you and help each other stay on track. Buddy systems are always very effective.

Short-Term Goals for this Month:
  1. Make $100 in revenue.
  2. Purchase domain name.
  3. 100 members in MyBlogLog community
  4. Move to WordPress
Dream Goal: Create 2 Niche Websites

Long-Term Goals for 6 Months:
  1. Reach $1000 per month
  2. Have 500 Subscribers
  3. Have 5 Niche Websites
Dream Goal: Reach $5000 in total revenue

Please take some time and share your goals with me.

Until next time,

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